What’s Your Problem? with Marsh Buice
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What’s Your Problem? with Marsh Buice
875. Don't half-ass it.
In this episode, I dive into the mantra "Don't half-ass it," a phrase that not only transformed Matthew McConaughey's life but can profoundly impact yours, too. I'll be exploring what it truly means to commit fully to everything you do—whether it's your career, relationships, or personal goals.
Join me as we unpack the power of full commitment and how it cultivates creativity, courage, and conviction in your life. You'll learn why doing things halfway won't get you where you want to be and how fully embracing your actions and their outcomes can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.
So, if you're ready to stop coasting and start living purposefully, this is the episode for you. Let’s get into it and transform how you approach every day. You don't want to miss this!
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Don't half ass what you do. What you say. And what you be. Don't half ass it. And we've heard that term before. I don't half ass it. Those four words, don't half ass it. are the words that changed actor, Matthew McConaughey, life . Forever. Growing up, his dad was the Supreme ruler. Big guy. And not a guy that you really play with. And. McConaughey. Had in his spirit. I'm not going to college. I don't want to work traditional labor. I want to go to film school. So he drew up the courage. To tell his dad. I'm not going to college. I'm not going to work. Manual labor. I'm going to go to film school. His dad looked at him and told him. Those four words that changed his life forever. Don't half ass it.. So let's talk about. What not half assing it. Really means for you. And the benefits. Of not half assing something and you probably be surprised how much you actually do. Half-ass things. And so we're going to put a spotlight on this. So that way you can be like, yeah, we're going to go full throttle. And I'm telling you, man, if you don't half ass something, you're going to see a difference in 90 days. And in a year. It's going to become a way of life. You're not even going to be recognizable as long as you don't half ass it so, let me give you a few benefits. Of not half assing it today. Number one. Not half assing it. Creates commitment. Creativity. And courage. You get a three for one and not half-ass it. Number one, the commitment. When you don't half ass it when you decide to do something that decisiveness. You do it. You go full throttle and you go all the way and you see it all the way through. At the end of whatever the specified time is, you're going to discover for yourself. Because you put in the sweat equity. I want to continue on and do this. or you going to get to the end of it and say, this isn't what I was thinking. And you cut ties with it and you move on. But you got to keep that commitment. But not half passing it. And because you kept your commitment. This is what's going to cultivate your creativity. Because you've committed. And you're not going to half ass it and you're going to see it all the way through. You got to figure things out. On your own. You don't have all the resources yet. You get resourceful. And because you kept your commitment. And your creative. This is what makes you more courageous? Courageous has just small acts. You know what courage is? It's trusting in yourself. That's all courage is. And that you trust. In your abilities. And your recovery. It's not that you're going to stick the landing every time. It's not that it's going to be a perfect 10 every time, but you're courageous enough. To trust that whatever the result is. I'm going to be all right. I'm a figure it out. I'm going to recommit. Boom. That's the first benefit of not half assing it. The second benefit of not half assing it. The second benefit of not half passing it. It's conviction. Not confusion. McConaughey said that. If I would have not been convicted. And told my dad. That I wanted to go to film school and I said it boldly. Had I minced my words had I been kinda like stuttering. Oh, well, I was kind of thinking. He said my dad would have squashed me. And this brings about a great point about not half passing. It. You're so convicted. That the words that you say. Have no confusion. I tell my salespeople this all the time. Say it in as few words as possible. And say it with conviction. Boldly. And don't pull your punch. Don't pad the rejection. With confusing speech. And that's what people do. They have asked their speech by saying, well, I mean, I could be wrong or, you know, I was kind of thinking, but if you don't think it's a good idea, I do. I totally understand you pulled your punch. No. Here's what I believe. Here's what I think here's the path forward. And stare at them. Whatever the decision is. You figure it out from there, right? Commitment creativity, courage. Boom, boom, boom. It's because you don't have ass speech. And dude. I tell my salespeople this, but let me tell you something both in your personal and professional life.. Say it boldly with conviction. Not confusion. And the third benefit of not half assing something. Own it don't rent it. Let me tell you where we rent it. By half assing it. Is when you ask for permission. Instead of taking responsibility. So when you have the commitment. The creativity. The courage and the conviction. You own it. You take a responsibility. What you're saying to the world? Is whatever the result is. I'm gonna figure it out from there. And I own both ends of it. I'm not going to blame anybody. I'm not going to sit there and have a pity party. I'm going to figure things out. Whatever the result is, I'll recycle the usable parts of the results. And the rest of it. I'm a build something new. See, that's owning. Most people rent. They're asking for permission. When you're asking for permission. You're renting. Somebody authority don't rent it, own it. Take responsibility, the good and the bad. And roll with it. This is a total game changer for you. Because see when you don't half-ass your day. You don't have a half-ass life. All right, let's get outta here. Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. Please share this with someone else. Who's half asking it right now. Share this with someone else, they need to full ass their life. Take it full on. All right. Peace.