What’s Your Problem? with Marsh Buice
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What’s Your Problem? with Marsh Buice
869. Opposites attract.
Opposites attract. Success and failure are constantly pulling at you. When you're successful, don't think failure will go away. But on the flip side, success is right around the corner if you're failing right now.
In the episode, I will help you attract and maintain success.
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I'm so happy to be back here with you in today's episode. I titled it. Opposites attract Les Brown said. That if you can attract. Attract. failure. Then you can also attract. A success. Now, just think about that for a second. If you can attract failure. Then you can also attract success. Opposites attract. So when you're successful, It's. Not like failure. Just. It goes away. It's not going to. Disappear. It's still. Still there and it's always working. It's trying to pull. Pull you in. Failure is always around. The corner. And this. Is something. Something. That you can never forget. When. When you're on. On top of the mountain. Opposites attract. When. When you're at the bottom of the barrel. Opposites attract. So how does failure. To attract us. When we're unsuccessful. Glad you asked. Failure shows up. Through satisfaction. Complacency. And complexity.. So here's what I mean. When you're. A successful. The results are always whispering in your ear. Take it easy. Job. Well done. You deserve this. And that's a dangerous voice that you begin to listen to. Because it blinds you to the reality. That it wasn't today's effort that. It made you successful. It was the consistent effort. In the days that led up. To where you are today. Today. That's what's made you successful. It's not today. It's. All the days that led up to that consistently. Through the. The effort when you didn't. I didn't feel like it. You Kept showing back up. You. We're frustrated. You're riding high. And you just. Kept at it. You just. Zero it out every. The day and. Started new. So. Here's something I. I want you to think about. Just think for. For a moment. And reflect. Am I getting comfortable? Am I letting success, tell me to relax. Just look at that for a minute. It's why confrontation is so key. Write it down. Like, what are some things right now that's making. Kind of. Ease up. We've kind of lost my hunger, getting a little fat and sassy. I think I got it all figured out. And while you're looking at that. write down. Your habits and your routines. That led you to where you are today. I see, you're not in a Mayday situation. You just, you kinda got that. Hmm. That little jab in the side. Look at that. That's life. Saying, Hey man. You kind of soften it up a little bit. It's probably not in the right direction. Remember direction is more important than speed. Speed. And the baseline is always moving. So your comparison to the day before, it doesn't seem like much, but see it's these one degree shifts over time. You're way off course. So just write down. Hey, this is, this is what I, this is what I did. Are you still doing those things? The good news is you can correct that right then and there just course. Correct. No extra narrative to it. Don't. Try to figure it out. Any of that just course correct. And refocus. Before failure finds its way in. And don't swing for the fences. This brings me to the complexity part. Many times in an effort. To course, correct. We try to hit a home run. We. We. get way too fancy. We get way too complex. or if you are a success. Sometimes man, you get too complex with that. Complexity. is the silent killer of success. Complexity. Is like monoxide gas. It just slowly creeps in. And it's the enemy of momentum., because the more success that you have. The more you start to complicate things. It's just, I don't know what it is. It's just kind of like human nature. But here's the truth. Simplicity leads to success. Complexity. sabotages it. And the more momentum that you build. The more efficient you become. But then complexity. Whispers. It's that monoxide gas that creeps in. This is, you know what, bro? We can make this fancier. We can make it bigger. What gets spread wider. And it's true. It all makes sense. On paper. But complexity. Is unsustainable. It is. I can tell you this firsthand. Every time that I've failed. It was because I tried to do more than I could sustain. I stopped keeping it simple. It's why in my podcast, every episode with keep it simple, keep it moving. It's a reminder to me. Like stop getting so fancy out there. When I overcomplicate things. I lose sight of my abilities. in what I can consistently do. So then I become very inconsistent. And then I lose my footing. And then what happens then you get in this perpetual cycleof big lipping of feeling. Sorry for yourself. Of blaming time. In the lack thereof. And then you just start lashing out at other people. Then your job is your problem, your, your, your home situations, your problem, your money's funny. and dude it just, totally just feeds upon itself. Keep it simple. Take a hard look. At where complexity has crept into your life. Professionally. Personally. Relationally. Financially. Spiritually. It creeps in man. And again, You're not alone. We've all been there. We're all there. We're just on different floors sometimes. So what has become overwhelming? Or unsustainable for you. Simplify it. Strip it back. It always goes back to basics. Right? Strip it. down to the essentials. Just a handful of things that move the needle every day, punch it that, and I liked the word punch. Because it's just a little jabs. Maybe I should say jab at that. Just a little jabs, man. If you jab at that every day, you're moving the needle. And it'll build this momentum. You'll be efficient. You'll get more done. And you're not needing the ultimate results right then and there, it's going to reach this tipping point, but then there'll be sustainable results. Sustainable actions not talking to you, man. I'm talking to me. And you'll focus on what truly works. Now let's flip the script. You get all that, right? You're like marsh. I get it. That's great. When I'm successful. It'd be nice to have that problem. I'll deal with that. But right now I'm in the shitter. And I'm at the bottom of the barrel. I'm not successful right now. So maybe things aren't working out for you and it feels like that you're failing. But you got to remember. Opposites attract. And this is where the power of opposites really show up. See if failure attracts success. Then even when you feel like that you're failing. You're drawing success closer. You just can't see it right now. Here's, what's key. Your actions have to align. With your goals. Even if. it feels like nothing's happening for you, if. your actions. are consistent and in line with where you want to go. Success. Is inevitable. Let me repeat that. Even if everything is going wrong for you. If your actions are consistent and in line with where you. want to go, then success. Is inevitable. Boom book it. don't, worry about the timeline. When it's not up to you, what you do. For when it happens. Is up to you. So here's my challenge for you. If you're struggling right now. It's your day in the barrel. All right. Sometimes man, you're just improving your efficiencies sometimes. Man, you just forging that commitment sometimes. Dude, you just got to figure it out. So if you're struggling right now, Stop and reflect. What are three small actions, small punch jab. Remember? Three small actions. That I can take today. that align. With the direction that I want to go. Just boom, boom, boom. Don't worry about the results. Remember, we're not trying to hit a home run. We're just trying to get on base. We're just trying to get something consistent, going just jab at that. And shut the narrative off. Stop saying stupid shit. So three small actions. Remember change. Happens immediately. The results take time to show. But change happens immediately. When you put your foot down and you draw that line in the sand. Boom, push off of that. It's like a divot you push off of that. You're not starting over from scratch, man. You're starting over with the experience. And sometimes you had to take a few L's and realize, you know what? I got a little too cocky. I got a little too sure of myself thought I had all this figured out and could just sleep wall from here on. I got it. No. Opposites always attract. So when you're rolling, man. The potholes are coming. And if you're in the pothole, guess what? You can get that thing rolling again. Nothing stays the same. If you know, you can't go through life undefeated. Then don't think for one minute that you can go through life defeated ain't happening. But your actions must align. With the results that you want to see. You do that every day. Success is inevitable. It's the key to momentum. momentum. creates the movement. In the movement. Get stored. Nothing's wasted. Nothing's for nothing. That momentum gets stored. And then ultimately the results show. Good or bad. There's a such a thing also is bad momentum. So you can build a lot of bad momentum. It looks like you're getting away with it. And then all of a sudden. What the hell happened? All that got stored. You thought you were getting away with it. Boom. But on the flip side, opposites attract. Good momentum can be built too and it seems like that's the hard thing, man, when you're doing wrong. It seems like you can get away with it. When you doing good. It seems like life's not even paying attention to you and you're like bro I catch a break, please. Like things just go more wronger. That's what happens, but that good momentum is getting built. It's getting stored. And then it's going to build up all that energy and boom. Then it's going to. Show itself, it's going to reveal itself. Remember the timeline more on eventually, ultimately. You do things consistently, eventually things will start tipping in your favor and ultimately. you'll see the results. So, what are you gravitating toward right now? Success or failure? That's a great question to even ask. Like, where am I gravitate if I just look back at yesterday, what am I gravitating towards success or failure? Every day, you're either moving towards success. punching at it. Even if you got to the future that you wanted. Think about this. How many times have we thought, well, if I could only get to this. Yeah. You think that you just there's a big, gigantic success chair. You sit in for the recliner. La-Z-Boy that you just sit in for the rest of your life. But no. I mean. That thing that led you to that recliner? Is everything you've got to do and then more so. Because with great power comes great responsibility. You have a responsibility, you have to respond and not react. You have to ably. respond Responsibility. That's why it's all put together. So you have a Responsibility. not only to get there. But also then to grow it from there. And then you share that with other people too. But you can't get to this beach chair. And think what's it? No, the beach chair is in heaven. That's it. That's the beach chair, the rest of it. Dude, we gotta work for it. We gotta get after it. Cause you're either moving towards success. Or you're coasting toward failure. So I want you to take just a few minutes just to confrontation. Just write it down, man. Just look at your current habits. Are you tendencies your habits? I'd say your productive tendencies are destructive. What are the things that you you've gotten into the habitual way of doing something. Is it building you productively or is it just kind of thin slice in a way at you? Is it leading you? Toward the success that you? desire. or are you just slowly drifting away? Toward failure. And you're not even realizing it. You just kind of just. lulling off. It's there. Don't think for one minute, you're getting away with it. Simplify your approach. Focus on what works. Consistency. Over intensity Consistency. builds the momentum. And the momentum is what's going to lead to results. Success and failure always pulling at you. It didn't matter whether you're at the top of the mountain top. Or you're at rock bottom. You got to always remember man opposites attract. If you're successful. Don't get too comfortable because failure is always trying to pull you down. And if you're feeling like a failure right now, You got to remember, man. That's success. It's just right around the corner. It's pulling you up. As long as you keep your actions. in alignment. With your goals. So, what are you gravitating toward today? Success. Or failure. Thanks for sharing today's episode help. Get the word out. Please leave a rating and review. If you would. This also helps gets the word out where the top 3% podcasts in the world and I owe it all to you. Uh, thank you so much for you. continuing to tune in and continuing to share messages with others as well. All right, let's get outta here. Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. Peace.